Exam Pass Pledge

We are confident that you will pass your certification exam after successfully passing the Pearson practice tests – this is our pledge to you!

Test-Pass Pledge

Ensure exam readiness with these recommendations:

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Preparation guidelines:
check box   Use the practice test in Practice Mode to access questions, answers, explanations and reference materials. Leverage the remediation of additional learning materials to maximize study effectiveness.
check box   Use your Score Report to identify objectives where your score is lower and more study is needed.
check box   Refine your practice experience in Practice Mode by customizing domain objectives or selecting missed questions. Use additional study time wisely.
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Determine exam readiness:
check box   Review all questions and answers using all the references in Practice Mode.
check box   Take the practice test using the Certification Mode.
check box   Achieve a score of 90% or more in Certification Mode at least twice consecutively.

If you follow this certification preparation method and fail the corresponding vendor exam within 30 days of your last practice test attempt, we’ll give you another opportunity to take the vendor exam via an exam voucher or gift card for the amount of the exam.

How to claim the Exam Pass Pledge:

To make an Exam Pass Pledge claim, please go to the certification page in the CertPREP course and answer the questionnaire. If you answered "yes" to the questions, please fill out the form. Include the exam name, date and score of the exam(s) you have taken, and where the exam was taken. We will also need a copy of your exam score report. You can contact [email protected] with any questions.

If your claim is validated, a voucher to retake the exam or a gift card in the same amount as the certification cost will be sent to you.

It is not applicable to:

- Failed exams taken before the date of the last practice test attempt as recorded in the CertPREP grade book.
- Other products sold on this website that are not CertPREP.